Thursday, March 29, 2012

I would love to share Tuesday. It was such an incredible experience! Hopefully if you are reading this you have heard that the Supreme Court was hearing Obamacare the first three days of this week. This is probably the biggest court case in our lifetimes. It WILL be in the history books. In 15 years I will be teaching my students about it, and I will be able to say that I was there. On Tuesday I got to go there for a press release my boss was doing. It was fun to watch him be interviewed by Fox News and be behind the scenes. While I was there, I got to meet Senator Lee. It was really cool! We got to chat for a little bit. Then Congressman Issa piled us all in the back of his car to drive back to the office. I had to lay across everyone in the back seat. He saw another congressman, so he pulled over and was like, "This isn't illegal. Brielle wave so they know you aren't a hostage." He is such a funny guy, and it was a fun ride. Then I got to give away a pass along card on the metro, all because we had a conversation about George Washington. It was a neat experience!

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