Monday, January 16, 2012

A Good Day In The Hood

Hey all! Today was an amazing day! Martin Luther King Jr. day is not just another holiday is a huge event! We started the day by attending the MLK parade on MLK boulevard. It is located in one of the most ghetto areas of DC called Anacostia. We were the only white people there! Just three white girls, partying alongside people who really do appreciate what MLK did. It was an incredible experience, not just because we were in an area which normally would not be safe for us (mom, you might freak out, but there were policemen everywhere!) but because MLK meant something more to these people. Two guys started to get in a fight, and the guy who broke them up said, "It's Dr. King's birthday guys, let's show some respect!" and the two guys stopped fighting! Completely blew it off and walked away. We became a source of entertainment for the people around us because of our enthusiasm, and we for sure made some new friends! There were many high schools and middle schools that participated, and let me say now, I would never have made ANY of their cheer squads!! They all consisted of black girls who really know how to dance, and I would've looked like a fool! Haha these girls were pop, lock, and droppin' it in the street, moves that would have made our principal and cheer coach faint. After that ,we went to the Lincoln Memorial. It was a busy day there, the busiest I have seen. It was fun to see such a great leader in our country celebrated in a way not many people in Utah can understand!! Saturday we went to the Smithsonian, which is always amazing!!

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